Do you ever find yourself second-guessing every decision? Fear is the great paralyzer! It keeps us from venturing beyond the bubble of our existence. After all, why would you willingly go into the unchartered, unknown, uncontrolled universe on the other side of……. “out there?”

This tangible “fear factor” has kept many a soul from realizing their dreams or feeling satisfied with the subtotal of their lives. Doing something outside of your “wheelhouse” could instantly send your stomach into a knot.

When I start to feel adventure handicapped, I examine, ” Why am I afraid? Why do I feel inadequate? Why do I feel discouraged and alone and most importantly, WHAT or, WHO is making me feel this way?”

Satan is the author of fear and doubt. He wants me to stay on the bleachers, where I can just safely observe and critique. After all, it’s much more dangerous on the playing field, where the risk of being pummeled a time or two is pretty much a guarantee! 

The only antidote to this stress-inducing dilemma is the peace and faith that comes from my sure knowledge that Jesus Christ is my Savior and with Him and in Him if it is His will, I can do ALL things.

When I go to my knees in prayer for direction and express my fears and doubts, my concerns are quickly dismissed, only if what I want to do will put light and truth into the world. Oftentimes, I find myself examining the motives of what I want to do and why. If it is for the right reasons, I  feel more confident in asking for help. I then plead for the edification of my natural abilities to be coupled with the amplification of any heavenly blessings I am worthy to receive and the strength necessary to see it through to a successful end.

This formula has pushed me well beyond my comfort zone’s safety parameters to do what is scary and unfamiliar to me. The result has brought me much joy and fulfillment, beyond what could have ever been possible had I stayed safe and secure from my perch on the bleachers. The game of life is undoubtedly much more thrilling on the field!

Why knot? If not now, when? If not me, who?

WHY KNOT Is comprised of wireframe and batten, coated in a plaster, concrete, and gypsum mixture. The knotted shape represents the angst we feel when faced with the unknown. The light is coated with naturally tinted concrete stain. The emerging rays of light represent the confidence that the Savior has in us as it pertains to our potential, Despite our feelings of inadequacy.
