I’ve often heard the best way to evaluate a tree is by the condition of what it bears. limbs, leaves, and fruit. Based on this evaluation, you can somewhat assess the wellness of the tree.

I am blessed to have people in my life who exemplify the fruits of their belief systems, by their mere existence. Through watching them, I know what they believe, how they feel about it, and how it has changed them.

They don’t readily share their opinions publically, and if asked why they do what they do, their response is modestly gracious and usually directed back to the purest of motivations…..” It just feels right”.

They treat others well, even those who ultimately can serve them no good. They are slow to criticize and quick to accept correction. They are slow to take offense and quick to forgive.

They embrace intelligent tolerance while standing for truth. They are the good fruit borne of humanity’s finest, precious and pure. rarely seen, and increasingly rare, but by their fruits, they are known.